Batmud: Transform rift entity spell

Spend a spark and a few spell points to swap your entity for another one you control. This replaces having to banish your current entity and then summon another. This is a handy spell to deal with an occasional nuisance, I have no idea why it’s one of the most expensive in the guild to study.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 4 rounds.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: int/wis.
Cast type: rift.
Spell point cost: 18.
Once a riftwalker has control over a number of different entities, he/she can
transform their existing entity into another entity type.
NOTE: solo kills will NOT register on the top kills plaques for 30 minutes
after using this spell.
Syntax: cast transform rift entity at <type/name>
This spell uses 1 rift spark.

Batmud: Regenerate rift entity spell

Heals a rift entity a little every round. Rift energy flow makes this spell heal more per round, gaining levels makes it cost more spell points per round.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 2 rounds.
Type of spell: heal spell.
Affecting stats: int/wis.
Cast type: rift.
Spell point cost: 60.
A riftwalker can heal their entity by drawing rift energy from the void and
focusing it on their minion. Knowledge of rift energy flow is known to help
the effect of this spell. It also works on other riftwalker entities, allowing
you to assist in the regeneration of anothers entity.

Batmud: Create rift vortex spell

This spell can let you and party members get immunity to the spell ‘suppress magic’. The process involves summoning a vortex, plucking orbs from it, and then using the orbs for the actual protective buff.

This is of course a highly situational thing, but very nice to have when you need it.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 6 rounds.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: wis.
Cast type: rift.
Spell point cost: 202.
A rift vortex is a temporary well into the raw energies which tie different
worlds together. Strange dark orbs float in the vortex, and once retrieved,
can provide protection from magical suppression.
This spell uses 5 rift sparks.

Batmud: Absorbing meld spell

Buffs you such that if you take damage and have one of your rift entities with you, dumps some of the damage on the entity. Of course, if the entity dies, it’ll tend to blow up on you, so care is advised. Very useful for low hitpoint riftwalkers and for reducing the threat from monsters that can randomly have surprise blasts.

This spell is useless against harms. This spell will work with the magic entity, but not at full power.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 2 rounds.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: wis.
Cast type: rift.
Spell point cost: 17.
With the spell the caster can link himself with their rift entity, allowing
their minion to share a portion of their pain. The spell will activate when
the caster takes a large amount of damage. The combined power of the casters
entities will decrease this damage threshold, and also increase the spell
duration. Knowledge of the spell will allow more damage to be shared with the
rift entity. The damage is distributed but not lessened (unless the riftwalker
is particularly powerful), and can still kill.
This spell uses 4 rift sparks.


Batmud: Rift scramble spell

Rift scramble cuts the reputation loss of a rift entity if it dies with this spell protecting it. Generally the loss will be reduced by 90%. On the downside, you’ll earn less experience when this spell is running. This drawback is reduced by the power of your entity.

This spell is of tremendous value when exploring, killing higher powered monsters, or killing monsters with lameassed specials/super high crit chances.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 4 rounds.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: wis.
Cast type: rift.
Spell point cost: 52.
This spell will scramble the link between a rift entity and the world where it
was created. Disrupting the link effectively means the entity will lose less
power when it dies. However, the entity master will suffer a reduction in the
amount of experience he/she gains.
This spell will use a variable amount of rift sparks depending on the number
of deaths since the entity was last pacified.

Batmud: Force absorption spell

Provides the target with minor resistance to physical damage. Exact numbers aren’t to be found in batmud, but one assumes the protection would be around 10-20%. Does not stack with similar spells, such as Armour of Aether.

Force absorption, aka fabs, isn’t as powerful as Armour of Aether, but is usually a lot cheaper to cast for the duration of protection one gets and uses no reagent. It’s most commonly used as a workhorse to cut down on damage in experience parties where AoA would be overkill.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 6 rounds.
Type of spell: defensive spell.
Affecting stats: wis.
Cast type: protection.
Spell point cost: 126.
Easily the most common spell used to protect oneself, is the spell
that creates a magical aura which gives resistance to any physical attack.
While it is not possible to make one immune to these attacks, it is
possible to drastically reduce damage done. This spell draws its resilience
from the earth itself, causing it to give a brownish aura around the

Batmud: Summon rift entity spell

Summons one of the rift entities you control, if any. The summoning has a 100% success rate. Stronger entities and some rift tasks will speed up the 25 round cast time.

If the entity is summoned after being killed, it will appear with only one hit point.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 25 rounds.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: int/wis.
Cast type: rift.
Spell point cost: 261.
You can use this spell to summon one of your rift entities. The time it takes
you to cast will decrease as all your entities grow in power. An entity will
disappear if you are not in the front row of the party formation, and suffer a
health penalty when you next summon it. Type 'gem entities' for a list of
available entities.
Syntax: cast summon rift entity at <type/name>
This spell uses 5 rift sparks.

Batmud: Dismiss rift entity spell

Unsummons your rift entity. This is useful if you want to stop playing for a while but don’t have a secure place to go linkdead. If you’re in a situation where you feel certain your entity will die and want to prevent rep loss, this might be useful, although it’s rather slow to cast. Rift scramble isn’t any slower however.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 4 rounds.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: wis.
Cast type: rift.
Spell point cost: 50.
This spell will scramble the link between a rift entity and the world where it
was created. Disrupting the link effectively means the entity will lose less
power when it dies. However, the entity master will suffer a reduction in the
amount of experience he/she gains.
This spell will use a variable amount of rift sparks depending on the number
of deaths since the entity was last pacified.

Batmud: Iron will spell

My knowledge of this spell is limited. As far as I know, it’s a situational spell to protect or lower the effect of some kinds stunning. In those situations it’s probably a wonderful spell, but I know of no value to it in day to day play.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 4 rounds.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: wis.
Cast type: protection.
Spell point cost: 99.
One of the most dangerous times for any warrior in battle, is when they are
knocked senseless and left unable to defend themselves. Death is usually
only an instant away, as foes readily jump to take advantage of such a
striken target. One protective spell grants the target an 'iron will'
with which to shrug off hits that may normally leave them at their
assailant's mercy..

Batmud: Invisibility spell

This spell is the most common way for players to become invisible. Invisibility has many uses, most notably it allows one to avoid attack from most aggressive monsters and even walk right past many blockers.

The in game help reads:

No saving throw.
Casting time: 1 round.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: wis.
Cast type: transformation.
Spell point cost: 63.
One of the most useful spells from the illusion  schools, is the spell of
invisibility. This spell will  make the target and all his possesions
invisible to the naked eye. There is no better way to go places you normally
shouldn't be caught in. Of course there are also magical ways to detect
invisible beings, this spell does not offer total impunity.