Batmud: Mastery of shielding skill

This is the mastery skill for spells of type “protection”.

The in game help reads:

Skill duration: random.
Type of skill : spell mastery (arcane skill).
Affecting stats: None.
It uses no endurance points.
Protection magic is one of the most useful types of magic known. Many
protective spells offer resistance or immunity to many hazards, some of
them fatal without such protection. Those who have studied and practiced
this art diligently are able to provide their spells more effectiveness,
reliabilty and duration. Many times there is need for only the best of
these magic users, due to the magnitude of danger involved in the current

Batmud: Esiris Area

This is a rough draft about Esiris.

Esiris is a city accessible from all continents, and acts as a hub for the world. It can be accessed via the portals in the major cities “portal esiris”, or from any navable location in a given continent, if you have completed the esiris quest for that continent.  You can change continents there after a fifteen minute cooldown, or if you’ve done the quests, you can pay a fee to transport sooner.

Esiris quests:

Desolathia: Tell the npc Toshiaki ‘where’. He’d just love a new Hanoi game.
Furnachia: Help a postal worker in Rilynttar with a problem.
Laenor: Talk to an old goblin in Arelium for a task.
Lucentium: The booze shop npc might want some help.
Rothkiegen: Assemble a doll for no good reason.

Batmud: Alchemists guild

This is a draft of information on the alchemists guild.

Alchemists specialize in using the magical properties of plants, organs, and materials. Alchemists are all about making consumable items, like potions, pills, salves, drinks and such.

I’ve heard that the actual mixing of alchemical potions is actually a pretty lousy way for this guild to make money, but don’t have enough direct experience to comment on that.


| Skills available at level 30  | Max |
| Consider                      | 100 |
| Essence eye                   | 100 | 
| Dissection                    | 100 |   
| Mining                        | 100 | 
| Plant lore                    | 100 | 
| Make heatstick                | 100 | 
| Mana control                  |  60 |
| Cast alchemy                  | 100 |
| Cast generic                  | 100 |
| Cast information              | 100 |
| Cast special                  | 100 |
| Alloying                      | 100 | 
| Cannibalize                   | 100 | 
| Amalgamate                    | 100 | 
| Attack                        |  70 | 
| Mix juice                     | 100 | 
| Blacksmithing                 |  50 | 
| Make reagent                  | 100 | 
| Refining                      |  75 | 
| Ceremony                      | 100 | 
| Decanting                     | 100 | 
| Recanting                     | 100 | 
| Short blades                  |  80 | 
| Mix salve                     | 100 | 
| Swift scalpel                 | 100 | 
| Modify ammunition             | 100 | 
| Throw control                 | 100 | 
| Gutblade                      | 100 | 
| Knowledge of alchemy          | 100 | 
| Mix potion                    | 100 | 
| Make arrow of torture         | 100 |
| Quick chant                   |  60 |
| Long blades                   |  70 |
| Mix drug                      | 100 |
| Mix elixir                    | 100 |
| Mint coins                    | 100 |

| Spells available at level 30  | Max |
| Create money                  | 100 |
| Detect race                   | 100 |
| Water walking                 | 100 |
| Hangover cure                 | 100 |
| Prepare flask                 | 100 |
| Dim                           | 100 |
| Feather weight                | 100 |
| Floating disc                 | 100 |
| Glow                          | 100 |
| Identify                      | 100 |
| Preserve corpse               | 100 |
| Create dimensional gem        | 100 |
| Instant fermentation          | 100 |
| Summon homonculus             | 100 |
| Aegis                         | 100 |
| Aura detection                | 100 |
| Patch item                    | 100 |
| Shift blade                   | 100 |
| Blessing of intoxication      | 100 |
| Create herb                   | 100 |
| Drunken stupor                | 100 |
| Sneezing powder               | 100 |
| Mould ring                    | 100 |
| Lift of load                  |  50 |

Batmud: Defence sense skill

Gives a passive bonus to your avoid stat. Avoid is considered fairly useful, so go ahead and train this. If memory serves, this skill only gives bonuses in 10% increments, such that there’s no difference between 50% skill and 59% skill.

The in game help reads:

Skill duration: random.
Type of skill : neutral skill.
Affecting stats: None.
It uses no endurance points.
The martial artist is taught early on in his training to
be completely aware of his environment. This includes the 
battlefield. By being aware of the events around him during 
a battle, he is able to predict actions of his opponents. This
allows him to avoid attacks with ease, since he really doesn't
have to think about it, it is just his insticts kicking in and
taking over.

Batmud: Combat damage analysis skill

Allows a character to evaluate the resistances of an opponent to its attacks. This is most useful for detecting physically resistant monsters, but can show elemental vulnerabilities as well.

The in game help reads:

Skill duration: 1.
Type of skill : neutral skill.
Party rows    : 1st.
Affecting stats: None.
It uses 10 endurance points.

For an untrained eye a raging battle may seem like a chaotic play of luck and
raw strength where the fortunate and strong rend the unfortunate and weak.
However, for a professional and experienced combatant the battle is an
organized entity where luck plays but a minor role. These true melee warriors
are able to analyze their opponents to reveal their strengths and weaknesses
and use this knowledge to improve their odds in this cruel and age-old dance
of violence.

Batmud: Riposte skill

Gives you a chance to do a little damage whenever you parry. Unless it’s been uptuned significantly in recent years, this skill no substitute for the attacks you lose by parrying in the first place.

The in game help reads:

Skill duration: random.
Type of skill : neutral skill.
Affecting stats: Str/Dex.
It uses no endurance points.
Those fighters who practice a defensive style of
fighting do not limit themselves to defensive tactics.
Once they possess the ability to parry attacks, they gain
the ability to counterattack. By throwing their opponents
attack to the side, they are able to complete the move by
hitting their opponent, who is still in mid-thrust. Fighting
someone who has mastered this technique can be frustrating,
besides deadly.

Batmud: Charge skill

A skill used to attack an opponent with a lance while mounted. Because of its extremely specific nature, this skill is presumably fairly strong, but I haven’t had enough experience with it to say for sure.

The in game help reads:

Skill duration: 1+(random)/24.
Type of skill : offensive skill.
Affecting stats: Str/Dex.
It uses 32 endurance points.
No weapon says more about the art of combat than the lance. Easily the largest
and heaviest weapon made for warfare, the lance is far too unwieldy for a foot
soldier to use reliably. However, if that same soldier strikes from horseback,
the lance becomes extremely dangerous. The combined inertia of lance, soldier,
and mount join as one to force a great deal of damage into a small area. A
good hit from a charging soldier's lance can cause unbelievable wounds on just
about any creature.


Batmud: Explore mechanic

Rough draft:

In Batmud, most of the unique rooms that any player can reach give experience for visiting them the first time. The idea is to get players to explore the game’s areas and reward them for doing so. Ideally, you’ll take the time to actually find out how difficult the areas you visit are, and search for secrets if the area is not too dangerous. Death is an inevitable part of exploration, but you can still get a huge boost to your experience by engaging in this activity.

Generic rooms that exist simply to fill out a mapped region do not usually give explore. They’re just carbon copies of each other.
Level restricted, aka ‘newbie only’ rooms do not give explore. These include rooms in: The newbie mines, hakkrio forest, past the iron plates in the Arelium dungeons, the fraggle village, the paladin stronghold, the conifer forest, and a small part of the chessboard.

Guild rooms which can’t be reached unless you’re in that specific guild do not give explore.

In fact, if it would be impossible for some players to reach a room without reincarnating, it usually doesn’t give exploration experience.


The realm of Batmud is huge, and there is a great variety of
areas and sites to see and explore. The number of rooms of the mud which
you have explored, along with the total number, is displayed with the
'score' command.

You will gain experience points when you visit new rooms. The actual amount
of experience will go up exponentially when the number of the rooms you have
visited grows. Exploring is a good method of character advancement, 
especially at the lower levels.

There are special rooms that give a substantially larger amount of experience
when you explore them (for the first and only time). You will be informed
when you enter such a room. To prevent abusing a constraint has been placed
that limits the maximum experience gained from these special rooms to 
the experience gained from visiting normal rooms. The possible additional 
experience, however, is not lost. The system keeps count of it and awards 
you extra the next time you visit a special room, assuming that your normal
explore has gone up enough to allow for this.

Special rooms are rather rare, and there are areas that do not contain a 
single one of them. 

These exact figures are not available for the eyes of the mortals, neither
are the formulas. See the table at the end of this document for getting an 
idea about the experience you can expect to make from exploring.

Note that certain areas (such as guild rooms or level-restricted
areas, or the outerworld map) do not count in the total number of rooms, and
thus you do not gain experience for entering them.

See also: 'score'.

 The following table will give you an idea of rooms/experience ratio...

 | Rooms visited          | Experience gained |
 |   100                  |      5000         |
 |   500                  |     85000         |
 |  1000                  |    300000         |
 |  2000                  |   1000000         |
 |  4000                  |   4000000         |
 |  6000                  |   8000000         |
 |  8000                  |  15000000         |
 | 10000                  |  23000000         |

Batmud: Riding mechanic

This post is a stub. It has a little basic info, but is mostly here to help linking.

Batmud has a large number of potential steeds, including pretty much all of the outerworld monsters when tamed properly.

Useful commands: Mount, dismount, lead, feed

Riding – lets you mount a particular steed in the first place

Combat riding – lets you keep from being dismounted



Batmud: Riding skill

Your skill in riding determines if you can mount any particular steed. It is most often the case that powerful steeds need higher riding skill. Putting appropriate riding gear on the mount will help.

The ingame help reads:

Skill duration: random.
Type of skill : neutral skill.
Affecting stats: None.
It uses no endurance points.
While it is said the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,
there are many that would argue that it begins with finding the right horse.
Riding makes the trip faster and more comfortable, allowing you to go farther
with heavier gear and not arrive too exhausted to fight. While horses are
typically easy to manage, other, more exotic animals require more skill to
ride. Riding can be made easier with the use of certain types of gear.